A mindfulness based, holistic approach to psychotherapy
Welcome, and thank you for visiting my site. *During this challenging time of navigating Covid-19 Coronavirus I am offering both in person and online Telehealth counseling sessions.
During times of struggle it is often difficult to see a way out or a way forward. When we trust our own wisdom or gut, we can find openings and opportunities to grow through the struggles. Tracey offers a calming, non-judgmental compassionate presence that honors the individual. She has worked extensively with grief and loss. She offers useful tools to work with anxiety and depression. Her insight and guidance are of great value to those who are going through challenging life transitions such as divorce, career change, physical illness, or the death of a loved one. She is welcoming to the LGBTQ+ community. Tracey also offers mindful grief support groups and mindfulness for athletes who are struggling with performance anxiety and or fear. She believes in the health and wellness of the body, mind and spirit. At the onset we can be so overwhelmed by our struggles but as we work through them we are afforded an enormous opportunity for growth.
“The wound is the place where the light enters you” ~ Rumi
How can mindfulness based psychotherapy benefit me?
When people struggle in life they often are in need of another perspective. You may repeat the same patterns over and over again and as a result may feel very stuck. Therapy can offer a safe place for you to explore what habitual patterns or beliefs are contributing to your feeling of stuck-ness. Often just having the presence and nonjudgmental support can be enough to aid you in shifting your behavior. Therapy can offer you an understanding of developmental psychology and attachment theory that maybe at the root of your behavioral patterns. A compassionate therapist can assist you in seeing yourself more clearly, and offering new perspectives and ways of being in your life.
Some benefits of mindfulness based psychotherapy:
- * Mindfulness based psychotherapy can help you understand and give you the tools to work through your anxiety.
- * You can learn to accept and be with your grief, allowing it the space that others in your life may not be able to witness.
- * Learn new ways to communicate in relationships.
- * Understand stuck patterns and learn ways to shift those patterns.
- * Learn new ways to problem solve.
- * Improve self-esteem.
- * Discover the positive aspects of your life.
- * Therapy can offer you tools to avoid triggers and to redirect habitual coping patterns
- * Mindfulness based psychotherapy can offer you a present moment perspective and by being in the present moment you can release some of the overwhelming feelings of trying to solve everything all at once.